Spring Cleaning Tips

The thought of spring cleaning may seem overwhelming. Especially when you think about all the projects involved, cabinets, oven, cooktop, pantry, microwave, vent hood and backsplashes. Don’t forget the refrigerator and freezer. And that’s just the kitchen! Cleaning and organizing the garage, closets, attic and basement storage areas are on the list, too. Ceiling fans, light fixtures and chandeliers also need cleaning.

Then there is finding the stuff you will need to get it done, as well as the time and motivation. When you have the time, you don’t have the motivation. When you feel motivated you don’t have the time. Eventually there comes a day when you say, “We really need to get this done!” Here are some suggestions on how to get motivated, accomplish more, and maybe even have a little fun in the process!

1. Break each large task into a list of smaller ones. For instance, divide “clean the garage” into “organize garage shelves”, “sweep garage floor”, “sort tools”, etc. Write them on a pad, and cross each off as you complete it. Writing them down and crossing them off gives you visual reinforcement and a feeling of accomplishment.

2. Pick a small reward for yourself when you complete a project. This can be something as simple as taking a little break to call a friend, read a chapter out of a book, or even some kind of sweet treat. Don’t underestimate the value of a short nap and don’t overdo the chocolate.

3. Listen to your favorite music. Up-tempo music is great while you are doing mundane activities like sorting through a “junk drawer” or cleaning out the closet. It’s okay to dance and sing while you work. In fact, you’ll enjoy working more if you move around! Remember the vacuuming scene from the movie Mrs. Doubtfire? Classic!

4. If you feel overwhelmed by a big project, don’t commit yourself to finishing it. Simply commit to work on it for 30 or even just 15 minutes. Then if you feel like it, keep going. Most often the momentum will be enough to keep you going. If not, quit and resolve to give it a go on another day.

5. Read your to-do list and prepare the necessary tools and supplies the night before. Your subconscious mind will work on the project while you sleep. Often you will wake up with ideas on how to do the job more efficiently. If you get the prep work out of the way, you will have a lot more momentum when you get started on your projects. Your attitude will be much better and you will be fired up and ready to go if much of the prep work is done beforehand.

6. Be ruthless with clutter! If you are cleaning out a closet or storage area, keep a large trash container nearby. Undecided as to whether you should keep something? Ask yourself, “When was the last time I used this? What’s the worst thing that could happen if I get rid of this and how hard would it be to replace?” Donate useful items to a charity. You’ll have less to store and you will feel really good about it!

7. Big projects like carpet and upholstery cleaning require expert help. Call Janssen’s for these. Your home will look, feel and smell fresh. An added benefit? Just knowing that we are coming to clean will give you the incentive to start on other spring cleaning projects that you may be putting off.

Below is a printable SPRING CLEANING CHECKLIST to make you job ever easier!