How to SAVE YOUR Rug from Your Pet’s ACCIDENTS

Rug owners tell us all the time, “It doesn’t seem to matter what I do. If my dog is going to pee on the floor, then he is going to choose my favorite area rug. Why?” There are many possible reasons for this behavior. For example, wool rugs are made from sheep hair, so the dog walks by the rug and says, “Hey, what’s that sheep doing in my house?” and then proceeds to mark his territory!

There are other motivations, too. Maybe the pet is getting old and can’t hold or control it as much. Maybe the pet is overactive or gets too excited when you finally get home, and you get a “happy tinkle.” Maybe he’s being territorial with other animals or in the home. Or maybe he or she is just mad at you because you have brought someone or something else into “their” home without consulting them first!

Regardless of why it happens, you need to know what to do to prevent permanent damage to your precious area rugs. This article will help you with procedures you can use to keep your rugs clean, soft, and odor-free.

First and foremost, we recommend that you have a quality protector applied to your rug, either when it is brand new or after professional cleaning. Find out more about Janssen’s Premium Protector Fiber ProTector here.

When an accident happens, act fast and treat the spot as soon as possible. When a pet “accident” occurs, you’ll want to safely and immediately clean it up before it penetrates into the fibers and becomes a permanent stain.

IMPORTANT! Before treating the spot, lift the rug and lay a plastic bag or sheet of plastic under the affected area to avoid saturating the rug pad or floor below. This is especially critical if the rug is on top of a wood floor. Test the following process on a small, inconspicuous area of the rug first.

STEP 1 If the spot is still wet, soak up excess liquid by blotting with a clean, dry white terry cloth towel. If you use a colorful towel, you could transfer dye onto your rug. Never brush, rub, or scrub the rug; this will cause permanent damage. Simply blot as much liquid as possible and proceed to step 2*.

*If your rug is Viscose, Tencel, Silk, Sisal, or Hempis not colorfast, or is Dry Clean only, STOP HERE and call Janssen’s for professional cleaning.

STEP 2 (see rug-safe recipe). Soak a cloth with the rug-safe detergent/vinegar solution and use the cloth to saturate the spot with a blotting action. Again, do not rub or scrub the rug. Allow a minute or two for the detergent to dilute and neutralize the spot. Blot as much liquid as possible with a dry towel.

STEP 3 Soak a cloth with the rug-safe water/vinegar rinse solution and apply to the rug with a blotting action. Blot up with a dry towel. Repeat the rinse step a second time. Blot dry until most of the moisture has been absorbed.

STEP 4 Use a fan or hair dryer on its coolest setting to hasten the drying process. The quicker the rug dries, the better. For stains that do not come out using these methods, contact us, as more advanced techniques may be required.

This advice will help you in your time of need but is not a guaranteed solution for every rug. Your rug is unique, so always proceed with caution. If in doubt or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Janssen’s for advice or to schedule a service visit.

Rug-Safe Recipe
Detergent solution:
16 ounces of warm water
½ teaspoon of clear dishwashing detergent
1 teaspoon of distilled white vinegar

Rinse solution:
32 ounces of warm water
1 teaspoon of distilled white vinegar
Important: Test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the rug first. Do not add more detergent because it will be difficult to rinse and cause rapid re-soiling.